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[Robert Heuer] stressed that he and music director Stewart Robertson were "very happy" with the freelance musicians' past efforts. "I think Stewart liked the fact that he had musicians who liked being a pit orchestra and really came to work prepared to work hard. It's been a good relationship."

Lawrence Johnson, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, June 13, 2001

The musicians of the Florida Grand Opera have united to organize for union representation. Just like the musicians of Palm Beach Opera a decade ago, the Florida Grand Opera musicians desire to have a direct relationship with their management. They desire to be recognized as an integral part of the opera company. They desire an end to independent contractor misclassification and to preserve and protect the core of the orchestra.

Unions are about individual people working together to achieve common goals. A success with Florida Grand Opera will have a huge impact on maintaining and raising musical standards for south Florida.

We hope you will lend your support and encouragement to the musicians of the Florida Grand Opera as they take a courageous step to stand together and demand change.

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